At The Melting of the Snow by AB Banjo Patterson

At the Melting of the Snow

There's a sunny Southern land,
And it's there that I would be
Where the big hills stand,
In the South Countrie!
When the wattles bloom again,
Then it's time for us to go
To the old Monaro country
At the melting of the snow.

To the East or to the West,
Or wherever you may be,
You will find no place
Like the South Countrie.
For the skies are blue above,
And the grass is green below,
In the old Monaro country
At the melting of the snow.

Now the team is in the plough,
And the thrushes start to sing,
And the pigeons on the bough
Are rejoicing at the Spring.
So come my comrades all,
Let us saddle up and go
To the old Monaro country
At the melting of the snow.

'At The Melting Of The Snow' was written in 1902, and published in Saltbush Bill J.P, 1917.

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